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The Finish Line is in Sight!

The construction/ renovation project in our school in nearly complete. Most of the big parts of the project are complete with just a few odds and ends to clean up. The last major area to complete was the gym with work done on the stage, patching of the hard wood floor, lighting system, sound system and bleachers in this area. The last large item to be done is the landscaping. This has been delayed due to the wet weather. This will hopefully get done before freeze up. There are minor fixes and issues to be dealt with still and those will be ongoing in the coming months. Essentially the building is substantially complete and we are occupying it as it was designed. Most of the sub-contractors have completed their work with the main contractor, Quorex, still on site for a few more weeks. We encourage all parents to attend the Grand Reopening Ceremony on October 18 in the gymnasium at 10:00 am. – Mr. Lehmann