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ÉGS GSA Honoured

Prairie South Gay-Straight Alliances received the PrairieAction Youth Leadership Award from the Lt.-Gov. Vaughn Solomon Schofield on Tuesday, May 2nd at the Charity Luncheon and Community Service Awards event. This award is intended to encourage youth to address violence and abuse issues through awareness and education, which all three current GSAs of Prairie South School Division have been working to do. They have all been working on educating staff and students on inclusive language, creating a safe space for students through different events (such as the Inclusion Day that ÉGS hosted on April 10th).

*Students and staff with the Prairie South GSA pose with Jose Wickenhauser, executive director of Moose Jaw Pride, and Lt. Gov. Vaughn Solomon Schofield at the charity luncheon Tuesday.

Mlle Dubeau & Miss Stene