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Remembrance Day Ceremony

maternelle-performersOn Nov. 10th, ÉGS staff, students, family, community members and special guests attended our annual Remembrance Day service.

Thank you to Mistresses of ceremony Mrs. Tracey Lagassé and Mme Elyett Boisvert.  Many thanks to Mrs. Kristine Goepen-Bourgeois, Mrs. Leanne Mann, the ÉGS choir, la Maternelle, Sidney M., Nolan J., Sydney P., 6/7B students, Aldeneil E., Kayla J. and Maeca L. for their contributions in prose, in song and in music.

Thank you to Capt. Daniel Baouya, Pilot Instructor at 15 Wing Moose Jaw, for speaking and sharing the importance of ‘Lest We Forget’ and ‘Je me souviens’.  Thank you to Lt. Aaron Vopni who played the Last Post during the ceremony.

Nous avons célébré tous ensemble la cérémonie du Jour du Souvenir le 10 novembre. Merci au personnel, aux élèves,  aux invités et aux Air Cadets.