Meet the Teacher Night
On Tuesday, September 12th from 6-7:30 pm we will be opening the school for our Westmount families to come and visit the school. This will be an opportunity for parents…
On Tuesday, September 12th from 6-7:30 pm we will be opening the school for our Westmount families to come and visit the school. This will be an opportunity for parents…
Westmount Elementary School is proud to take part in this year’s Terry Fox Marathon of Hope. Please help show your support by donating to: On Friday, September 15th, Westmount…
Candy Gram sales begin on Monday and Tuesday for pre-k to grade 3. Grade 4-8 Candy Gram sales are on Wednesday and Thursday.
School Community Council Dominoes Pizza Lunch today.
Astronaut Jeremy Hansen presentation at Peacock High School for Ms. Angus and Mrs. Singleton's classes
Staff Appreciation Week- Please show you appreciation of our hard working Westmount staff.
SCC Meeting
100th Day of School
School Valentines Dance Grades 6-8. Doors open at 6:45pm-9pm. There will be great music, and a concession.
Candy Grams will be delivered to students.